Saturday, March 19, 2005

Enquiring minds want to know.

Hey guys/girls.

If I know Ang, who would be dieing to know how the date went. BEST TIME EVER! OMG. Pool went superb, and the walk down city park was....hard to put in words...just...breathless. I'm crazy for her. Not like Stoker crazy, it's the "hart-tried-to-jump-out-of-your-chest-everytime-you-even think-of-her" crazy. Anyways, I need a favour from Ang and Lindey. Ladies, I need some advice. e-mail me/phone me and I'll take you both for coffee or something. My treat! :) I just need to talk to you both asap! I work all day sunday, so leave me message and we'll talk. Thanks!



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