Friday, March 25, 2005

Sammi has caught up on everything regarding blogs!

Well, I have caught up on all the blogger news from this blog and Keira's wedding bolg. I am in for both the paintball in April 16th and for games night at Team Sugar's place if my schedule and bank account permits.
I don't know about every other Saturday for games night, but I will try my best. I like the pot luck dinner idea. It doesn't have to be huge meals everytime; even if it's just buns and meat (or veggies) with salads or rice sidedishes. We can do hot dogs or rubbery veggie dogs, and we can BBQ in the summer! I will be taking one full summer session course (Phil 111 and Phil 121?) for the first time this summer, so I don't know how busy I will be during the summer.
For paintball, I will have to book off the Saturday and check my exam schedule. I already booked off April 28-May 1 because I'm going down to the Lower Mainland. I'll have to see how work likes me booking off two weekends in April, but...right now I could really care less about how work feels.

Stoker...some advice of my own to give you about your girlfriend (if I may)." Don't let her see the blog because she will find out Ang and Lindsay are the smart ones when it comes to being romantic."

The ninja's were awesome, as were the ice pictures.

If I don't have to work today, I may take a trip to Kelowna and go window shopping. I do need to buy my sister and another friend birthday presents. I will have to check out Toy R' us and the board games.

I have been busy with school work and trying to make sure I am on top of my schooling game. I am in the library most nights until 9:00 pm. I have started watching boring Math Videos to get a different point of view from the instructor. Anyway...must go and study more.

Talk to you later,
- Sammi

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