Friday, March 18, 2005

Trivial Pursuit 90's SATURDAY NIGHT!!! :)

Hey guy's,

I just got off the phone with Keira and Matt and we are going to have a Trivial Pursuit night at their house on SAT. They live in Winfield and it will be around 7:30-8:00pm. Bring your own booze and snacks or whatever and we'll have a blast!!! There will be a couple of us going out there from Vernon (or I guess we all live in Vernon, come to think of it...) so if you want to catch a ride, I will be driving and can take one or two more people. Or... if you need directions....just let us know and we can get them to ya. People can also meet here at our house and then follow us out there too (be here before 7pm). So far there is Dave, possibly Bryce, Me, Keira, Matt and Matt's cousin....

who else in interested???

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