Saturday, March 19, 2005

Tips for picking up chicks. By Stoker

*news ancer impression*

Well Ang, the key to getting chicks is two words: "Fuck it" Most men are to scared to ask chicks out. Fear of looking like a Dork or something stupid. Now as a Professional Stoker, I look like a dork all the time, so I've not nothing to loose. Worse care senario is that they tell you "No, go away" and maybe get their guy friend who looks like a brick wall to come and have a chat with you.

Now, if my some mirical they do say yes, a few key things to keep in mind. FLOWERS. LOTS OF THEM. and FLOWERS. and more FLOWERS (sence a pattern?) Flatter them as much as humanly possable. Some may call it butt kissing, I call it being charming. It's all about them. Hold the door for them, buy them cups of coffee/other beverages at random, spoil them every now and then. One thing they like is a guy who listens. Not a smile and nodd, but if you actually respond every once and awhile. It'll throw them off guard. Trust me!

Any further questions, have your people call my people. If you don't have people, I'll get you some and have them call me.


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