Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Games night...

Games night sounds awesome...like what once a month or every couple of weeks or so? You have lots of room at your hous keira, it was nice not being so cramped for a change... our house doesn't hold too many people for games night. We have...LOTR Risk and Monopoly, Reg. monopoly, Pictionary, Rummoli, Truth or dare jenga in which you can just use for regular jenga as well, Blurt, Dominos, scrabble (whoo hoo)(oh sorry cam!)...? I think that's it.

I like Trivial pursuit.... but we need a canadian edition... or something more universal like...hmm....tv, rock and pop edition or ripley's believe it or not edition...I saw these on ebay... they even have a coronation street edition..what fun!!! Taboo and balderdash ect. are all good games too.

Or this one could get interesting and hilarious.... http://cgi.ebay.ca/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=235&item=5175466121&rd=1#ebayphotohosting

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