Thursday, March 17, 2005

Stoker.... Keira...

Hey guy's hope you are all keeping well, I am unfortunately home sick with the flu... which I think is almost over, but I am just waiting for the worst now because I had a Norwalk Patient the other day and had to go to the penticton hospital with him.... which as the news shows is totally infested with Norwalk virus right now.... so if I have it I should start feeling symptoms tonight or tomorrow. Wish me luck!!

Stoker: any news on when you might be leaving and when we might be able to plan something for you? dave and I have a great idea of what we can do, and he may have mentioned it to you, but until we know when works best, we don't really want to start planning.

Keira: Well... If I am not on my death bed with Norwalk virus, then I am sure I will be better tomorrow... so i will keep you updated and hopefully we can still maybe get together and play this weekend if there's time. I know Dave is interested too... and well Cam is always usually up for games or getting together, if he's not working.. so I know we have the people..
talk to you soon, let me know if anything comes up.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

ANG! Ahoy!

Stoker's going poof on april 22nd. I vote pick a friday night/Saturday. That's when I'm free. Dave and Joel menctioned something about shoot me with some paint. Is that what you guys had in mind?
