Saturday, March 19, 2005

AHHH!!!! Stokie has a woman!!!!!

Hey stoker, that's awesome!!!! Will you be giving lessons any time soon? I have a whole class almost filled for you with a bunch of single guy's we know that could use some "Go get 'em tiger" tips : ) Well hope you have fun on your night out!!! I went and did the board walk one time too at the park there at night and it is very cool... that was before Bryce and I were dating. I should take him down there some time. : )
AHHH!! I just read your post about the stoker van funeral!!! you are hilarious!! I mean..."may she rest in peace (piece) ('s) :) that's too bad... there is a big car sale today in vernon though $5 minimum on some cars.... I think Cam may be checking it too!!!

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