Saturday, March 19, 2005


Well as it seems that Stoker will be leaving us for the summer on the 22nd of April... we need to have a going away party for him.... after all, he left us last summer without seeing many of us so there is catch up drinking to do!! It looks like Saturday the 16th of April would be a good day to celebrate by shooting some people in the ass!!! (unless final exams fall then)...but you guy's could take a break and come shooting with us I figure to let out some frustration :)

The idea was to go play some paintball and then come back to our house (grand central station) to have a BBQ !!!!! So those of you that are planning to come, please let us know and we need to take a vote to see where people want to go.

There is Safari Ridge in Westbank where we went last time and it was a blast! And there is also Bushwackers in Vernon which is supposed to be great!!

And for those of you girls that aren't sure about the whole getting shot part.... It stings a little at first, but the fun totally our weighs the feeling and besides.... I WAS THE ONLY WOMAN FROM OUR GROUP TO GO REPRESENT US LAST TIME!!!! we could use some more estrogen accidently shooting there spouses at close range in the back! :) oops!!

I don't mind Safari ridge... it was great fun! but i wouldn't mind checking out Bushwackers either... so I will be going with the majority.

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