Saturday, December 30, 2006

New Years!

Hey Everybody,

Just letting you all know there will be a New Year's bash at the DIC (Dave, Issac, Cam) house this year. Same deal as past years, but at my place instead of Bryce and Ang's. If you could bring an appy of some sort that would be cool, and of course BYOB.

See you all later

Monday, December 18, 2006

Okay, Change of plans

Hello one and all!

Just to let you know, there has been a change in plans for tomorrow night. The bowling will be at 8PM!! Again, don't be late or they'll give up the late!!

Dinner will be at 630 at Joey's. For those of you living in Vernon, contact Ang for car pool details.

-Stoker out..

Sunday, December 17, 2006


Hey all!

Okay! Here's scoop! For those who can make it on Tuesday night (19 Dec) , we'll be meeting at Joey's Global Grill (300 -2475 Hwy 97, right beside Costco) at 6PM! They don't take reservations so Melissa and I will be there at about 550pm, the Joey's people said to phone ahead and let me know I'm coming that day so they can save a table.

After, I've booked 10 pin bowling at McCurdy Bowling Center (124-948 McCurdy Road, right beside the Grand 10) for 730pm. They lady there said that if you're 10 minutes late, they will give up the lane so BE ON TIME PEOPLE!!! We've got 2 lanes for 2 games. The cost there is $10.75 per game so bring change!

Any Questions about anything. (Love, life, the square root of 7, etc..) Fire off a e-mail my way or give me a ring!

I can't wait to see you all there and it'll be a blast. I hope everyone can make it out. See you then!


-Shaun (a.k.a. Stoker! a.k.a ME!)

Monday, December 04, 2006

Get the party started.....

Stoker's party will be at Joey's in Kelowna with 10-Pin bowling to follow! Please let me know if you plan on coming by Dec 15th as I am making reservations. Joey's is a really cool place to go, and it has some nice "mood lighting" lol It has some reasonable prices for burgers and salads, fun drinks as well :)

If you don't know my phone number or my email, scroll down for my email in a past post or call Stoker and let him know :)

Sunday, December 03, 2006

This is what I think...

Hi guys!

COOL! I can't wait! What I would like to do (I have to clear this with the party organizer) is goto Joey's for dinner. It's a really nice place in there. I like it. And then 10 pin bowling! What do you think?

Other then that, I'm not too sure what my sweetie has planned. You'll have to ask her about it! :D



Saturday, December 02, 2006


yeah.... someone couldn't work the 20th day, so I had to take their shift and it turns out I have the 19th night off now!!! YEAH!!!

have you thought of anywhere for dinner yet??? Kelseys looks good... is it??? East side would be good too.... Or Joeys??

Are we going ten pin bowling!!??? I have never been!!! that would be soo cool!

well let us know what is happening...

Monday, November 27, 2006

Stokers party...

Hey all,

So Melissa and I talked and she is going to throw a party for Stoker instead.... So the 16th will still be the Christmas party... and a party for Joel...unless he wants to make other plans... which is fine too.

Melissa, I want to come but have to get a hold of work to see if I am on car that night or not.... I'll get back to you.

Christmas Party: We have added a game..... So please still bring a $10 gift for the gift game, but also wrap up something seperate that you find in your house....(this could get Real interesting!!!!) and we will do the same game with those. I have heard of other people doing this and they said it was soooo funny what people would end up getting.....

Birthday Party!!

Hello all!!

Shaun.. or as most of you know as Stoker.. is turning 23 on December 19th! I am planning a fun-filled birthday party on the 19th and would like everyone to come share in the celebration!

We are having dinner and drinks somewhere.... yet to be determined... and then bowling afterwards - all in Kelowna.

Please let me know if you are interested in coming, as I will have to make some reservations. Also, if you have an idea of somewhere fun for dinner, let me know your ideas.. Bowling will most likely be at McCurdy corner... the one by the Grand 10.

Email me back!

Monday, November 20, 2006

Well, Thought I would plan early....

...for those of you that need time to arrange your schedules...

SATURDAY DEC 16th CHRISTMAS PARTY/ TUBE TOWN/SKATING/ Birthday Party for Joel and Shaun(Stoker)

I don't know about all of you, but my schedule is starting to fill up like crazy for the month of December already. So I thought I would plan early and hopefully that way everyone can make it. It seems that the consensous is that a saturday works best for a lot of people.

Soooo.... Thought we could do an afternoon of Tube town/ Skating at Silverstar and then head to our house for hot chocolate with Bailey's, some eats and whatever else goes along with a christmas party... ( I seem to forget what all it intails, after being so disturbed by the "Dare" episode last year :)

4pm at silverstar (usually when we go up, we are all tired after about 2-3 hours of tubetown, but you can skate as well, there is also a fire going for those who tire out before the rest). I would imagine that we would head back down the hill around 7:30 ish-8pm. (Dave, this should give you some time to get up there after work...?)

We will also do the gift game again this year.... around $10 per person.

hope you can make it!!!! Like always, it will be a blast!

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Dinner has changed

Hey all,
So plans have changed a little for Tomorrow night and the birthday dinner....I spent 3 hours on the phone and internet yesterday trying to find a place that would take reservations.... and appairently no one does on a friday night anymore.! you would think that they would want to book a big party of 15!!! Anyways,we are no longer going to Boston Pizza at 6:30///// Instead, we will all be meeting at the Turtle Bay pub in Winfield at 7:15.... Coming from vernon, just after the winding two lane along the lake in Oyama, you come to that first set of lights at the bottom of the hill in Winfield.... you turn left at that set of lights and the pub is on your left. Coming from kelowna, you go through winfield, down the hill to the set of lights and turn right.... just before the merge for the two lane.
After dinner we wil be going to either kelown or Vernon to see a movie. A bunch of people wanted to see Borat , but appairently it isn't very good to see in theatre and a lot of people walked out of it disapointed, so we are also interested in seeing The Prestige
The Departed
Harsh times it says 2005 but it is actually 2006.
If you could choose your top two that you want to see out of those, then it will be easier to decide what we are going to see when we get to the restaurant...
A bunch of us will be leaving Vernon around 6:30... you may be able to car pool...but make sure you call us as we aren't sure how we are working the rides yet.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Happy Birthday Ang!!

Happy Birthday, HAPPY, HAPPY Birthday! Happy Birthday, HAPPY Birthday to you!!
Enjoy your day. I'll see you on Thursday night for Grey's.


Monday, November 06, 2006

The plan is still B.P's in Vernon....

Just because some people cant get off work until 6:30... so if they then have to drive to Kelowna, we will not be having dinner till at least 7:30....

Crap...I forgot how to post on blogger

It's been so long since I have been on the blog that I forgot how to post. Anyway, I'm in for birthday week celebrations on Friday. I think if we have to go to Kelowna to see 'Borat', we should eat in Kelowna as well. It's just a suggestion since Ang was complaining about the choices in Vernon. Maybe some East Side Mario's?? Or extreme pita...ummm. I have to do some homework now.


Birthday week Dinner....

Hey guy's well it's here!!! Birthday week officially starts with Daves birthday today!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAVE!!!!!
Then Chris on the 7th, Me on the 8th, Bryce on the 10th, Joanne on the 19th and Mandy on the 21st!!!!!

Dinner..... We will all be celebrating our birthdays at a birthday dinner on Friday night (Nov.10th).

The plan is.... Boston Pizza in Vernon at 6:30pm and then afterwards.... hopefully going to see "Borat" at famous players in Vernon..... we heard it may not be in though. If it isn't.... then we may see something else. Or if everyone wants to do the drive (carpool of course) then there is the option of going to see it in Kelowna.

hey now, come on!!!!

we had snow on Thursday!!! Nov. 2nd..... IT was AWESOME!!!! :) I like snow.... but not cold.
I have to get my blanket crocheted so that I can be comfy this winter.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Parka Time

It was fricken snowing here in Ottawa when I woke up this morning, and just so u all know, I'm not happy. Its bloody cold out and I guess its time to bring out the Parka and all. lol We already get like 5-6 months of winter in this lovely capital city of ours, why the hell does it have to start so damn early. Its bad enough that I live in the second coldest capital city in the world, but really, snowing this early in November just sucks.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006



Hey all,
Saturday.... Come over about 7pm... It would be cool if every one could bring some kind of halloween snack.... there are lots of cool ideas on line.... BYOB.... Stay the night if you like....Also we will be dressing up, so if you havn't found a costume yet, ya better get on it... :)Hope to see you there.... I was trying to plan something cool that we have never done before... If you can come, please let me know, as I need to know how many people we will have so I can try to make it work... It would involve being out side for a portion of the night... If not... I still want to put something else together

Monday, October 16, 2006

Attention All Stoker Fans!!!

The Stokie gathering has changed to the night of the 1st (Nov). He really needs all of you to try to show up... We will be gathering at 6pm at Squires by the weigh scales. If anyone is not able to make it, or will be late, PLEASE get a hold of me as soon as you know.

Stoker has requested that you not ask any questions until that night...

k guy's, please try to make it that night... talk to you later.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Oct.28th (Sat before Halloween)

Cool, can't wait to see you Stoker and Mel... hopefully before then would be nice, but if not then....then.

Just to let people know, I am planning something run that we have never done before!! Because it will be a halloween party, it will be SPOOK oriented and feel free to wear your costumes!!!

I will let you know sooner to the date what we are doing and...... don't will pretty much all be taken care of. :)

Oh, STOKER..... we voted and we all say "NO" to your Playboy Bunny suit!!! so ya, sorry, you still have time to pick a different costume. :)

P A R T Y!!!!

Hello one and all!

Stoker here with a public service amnouncement: Melissa and I are in for a PARTY!!


But saturday is really the 28th of October. We're SO into that on saturday. Sunday, notso much. I have to study and get ready for the week ahead.

So yeah! That's what we think!



Thursday, October 05, 2006

Wow, where is everybody??

What has everyone been up to? We have been busy with work and school and wedding planning and family events... We really should all get together again soon!!!

I was thinking of getting everyone together for the Saturday night right before Halloween. (Oct.29th??)

I am going to look at planning some kind of festivities for the evening and let you know... but for the mean time you should all see if you can get the night off or keep it open so that we can all show up....

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Kaloya park tomorrow

Directions to the park:

From Vernon,

Turn left at the light in Oyama (just before the highway turns into 2 lanes along the lake before winfield)... go to the community hall (on the left) and turn left... follow the road all the way down to the end to the parking lot..

Don't forget your bathing suits.... there is two beaches at the park. We will be doing a picnic so bring snacks and drinks for yourselves.
also any balls, games... whatever.

oh and cameras! see you there.
We will be leaving our house at about 2pm if you want to meet us there.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Sunday Aug.27th

Hey all, just wondering what everyone is up to this day?? I was hoping to get everyone together one last time before Lindsay leaves for the year. I would also like to try and get the bridal party to all show up as well... but that seems like an ongoing challenge :) I was thinking that if the weather is nice then we could all go out to Kaloya park(oyama where we are planning on having the wedding) and play football, frisbee, volley ball or whatever and just hang out. We could do a picnic kinda thing.

well let me know who can come.... Lindsay leaves on the 1st... and I think most people are off at sometime, if not the whole day on Sunday.

Stoker.... Where are you????hope you and Melissa can come.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Stoker's comming back to the real world.

Hi one and all!

How's the sumemr been? It's me. STOKER!! And I'm commin' back this friday! (18Aug) It's been an interesting 6 months on the rock. I feel like I've been let out early for good behavior or something. lol.. My parol officer says I get to go home. YAY!!!

So what is everyone upto? How's life all? We should do a beach day again when I get back. I had a BLAST last time! :D This time I'm bringing a floaty thing that I can actually sit on! lol...

Well take care all, back to work I go. Dealing with people who SUCK



Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Show Me the Camping!

Hey everyone!

Sorry I couldn't make it out camping... I got a block of work and have been working full time this week... so it's bittersweet. BUT...I do want to see the pictures!

Hopefully see you all soon!

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Camping Directions

Oh, and by the way, Bryce says he is not whipped!!!

Follow the trans canada highway all the way to Revelstoke. Just before you get to the bridge to go into town (right on the highway), there is a traffic light and a road turning off on your right. There will be signs for the ferry... I forget the name of it. Turn Right on that road and follow it all the way to the ferries. (about 25min?)

Just before you come around the bend to the ferries
, there is a forestry road going up on your Right hand side.... it is the last road on your right
, before the ferry. You may have to go down to the ferry and then backtrack...unless you are watching for the ferry distance signs. We will try to put up a sign at the road.

Just a little up the road, it branches into 3 roads.... we will try to put a sign here too.... take the center road. the one to the left go's to a log yard and the ont on the right goes up in the hills. follow the center road for about 10-15 ?? min. and watch for our sign on the left. There is no cell coverage after about half way to the Ferry on the main road... It's really not that hard.... 2 rights, a center and a left... watch for the signs.

We will be going up there monday morning... the 31st... an coming home on sunday the 6th. Hope you can make it, if even for overnight or a day. We have extra tent room if anyone needs somewhere to stay for a night...bring blankets though.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Friday, July 14, 2006


we decided amonst a bunch of us that we are going to go to the town theatre instead... The Divinci Code is playing at 7:15 and then we are going to stay and watch the Lakehouse as well @ 9:45... something tells me they don'e have debit either, so bring cash... I think that has happened to me a couple times now....

Us girls have seen the lake house and it is really really good, totally recommended... but confusing. We will be leaving here at about 6:45 ish.

let us know if you want to come..



Anyone interested?? Was hoping to have people over to play a little chips.... but if not enought people can come, then what about Munchkin? we havn't done that in over a year... if not... then.... LETS DO SOMETHING!!!!! Give me a call... will be gone between 1-2:30 but then home again...leave a message on the answering machine...

Hopefully see some people tonight...

Monday, July 03, 2006

Joel Guy's Picture link...

Hey all, Camping was great... Pictures will be available soon...

Anyways, Have got a link from Joel down under and have now added it to the links section on the blog....check out his pics... they are sooo cool!!!

He thinks he will be home around the end of October.. PARTY TIME!!!!

~ Thanks so much for the pictures Joel.... they are really cool!

Wednesday, June 28, 2006


Hey everyone!

So is camping still a go at Evely Park? Where exactly is that? Would someone be able to give me some very specific directions? (Landmark driver here!)

Lyndsay.... are you able to make it?

Thanks guys!!!

Sunday, June 25, 2006


I should be able to make it out camping next weekend, even though my tent buddy isn't here :( ... So far I get off work on Friday at 3 and am not working until the Tuesday after the weekend. So Yay!

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Camping fir Juky

Hey Everyone,
Sammi here! I have decided to not go canping because I am suppose to stay away from smoke and dust for the next week. Since these are my eyes we are talking about, I'm going to play it safe and stay home.
The surgery went well this morning; I'm typing this without glasses. It's a bit fuzzy, and my eyes are getting tired. I'll talking to everyone when I see you.

- Sammi

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Camping Location has changed... For July

So not enough people are able to make it for te weekend to camp... As a result, we have decided to change July longweekend to the site on Okanagan Lake where we have gone the last few times...
Coming from Vernon, it is just as west side road begins to climb... it is before Fintry. The campground used to be the old Okanagan lake rec site but has now been renamed 'Evely'.

We will be going out Wends morning to get a good spot and then heading home Sunday. Now that we are going to this closer spot, we are hoping that you will come and visit us and maybe stay the night... If it turns out that no one is going to come out , then we will just go out to Sugar lake as planned.

Please let us know if you can come out and what days you think would work...ASAP

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

tickets to Salish

I am picking up some tickets tomorrow (WENDS) for me and a couple other people.... if you would like some.... phone me at home and if not there, on my cell. $8.00 tickets and the guy says they are going fast... there will be none at the door.

Hypnotist... Saturday night

Hey all.... Guess who is coming???

Salish is coming to Sneakers Sat night. I am wondering who wants to go???

The show starts at 9:30pm. We would have to be there at about 7pm again to get seats.... we could do a late dinner and or drinks...

Tickets are on sale already and I think they are going to go fast so we should get them soon/ OR at least by thursday. Please get back to me ASAP if you are interested....

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Just weekends...

Well.... I probably won't get any extended time off, but it looks like I've been working mostly Mon to Fri and if I do, then I can come out Friday night maybe and stay the weekend.. or even come out for the day if it's close enough. But I get what you mean about the money... yipes for charging so much... I'll try to make it out to where you are. :)


I thought you weren't able to make it though Mel??? The problem with Ellison and all those big campsites is that they cost way too much... Cherryville is close to where you are..??? and then we only chose Eagle bay because we havn't been out there for 2 years and it is a really cool campsite... totally worth the drive.... They ususally don't come around and collect there either which is awesome and a life saver because we would be going out for a week and Isaac is planning on 2 weeks.... so we have to keep it cheap. There are also lots of logging roads for Isaac's 4x4ing expeditions and there is a nice waterfall to hike to. I know it is farther away.... but not much if not the same as going out to Shuswap near squilax where all the non-resort campsites are. (Adams lake ect.).

I would really like to go somewhere close but they are usually all pay sites ($$$) or Evely, which we've exhausted these last couple of years.

Are you able to get time off now???

Monday, June 05, 2006

The Internet is for...

ET Phone Home!!

Hey guys!!

Perhaps we could go camping this year closer to home? Like Ellison Park? or even Shuswap Lake!!! (although it's 2 hours away.. so not so close)

Anyhow.. just a thought :)


First trip planned:

SUGAR LAKE: CherryVille~ July longweekend... Isaac, me, maybe Bryce, Dave? and Cam? and Isaacs buddy and whoever wants to come will be heading out to the campsite on WEND. June. 28th to get a spot. We will be coming home on the Sunday... July.2 We are going to try to get the place that we went to last time with the creek again ~ that way we don't have to worry about ice again and it will be sweet......

2nd trip planned:

EAGLE BAY: Revelstoke~ Aug. Longweekend.... Same... Isaac is taking the week off prior and Cam ad Dave said they prob would too... so we will prob be going out around mon-wends. to get a good spot again. (the spot we got the last time we were there was one of the best and would be cool if we could skwat on it again).

I AM SOOO EXCITED.... I want to go CAMPING!!!!!

Hope you can make it Stoker!!!!!


Nice to hear from you...!!! Of course we want more pictures... have you seen the over abundance of posting on the blog these last few weeks!!!Frick, I can hardly keep up!!! :) YOu should have kicked the duck! (or head bunted it!!) sooooo... Dave said something the other day about you coming to our wedding in your dress whites??? THAT WOULD BE FREAKING AWESOME!!! I am going to hold you to it now :) I am going to get what ever paramedics come, to where their uniforms too.

Well hope to see more pics soon... can you take a pic of your seaman boat for us too!!! That would be cool.... oooh, and one of you holding a gun in your uniform??? or do they let you do that anymore???!

Sunday, June 04, 2006

My gift to you..

Hi All!

How's everyone doing? Sorry I've been out and about for a while. I've been working on alot of progects for the Navy. Including a new admin program I helped design. It's in french because it origionated in Quebec for some strange reason. Something about the french loving to program in perl. Who knew? lol.. I also got a ID card system going to all the cadet military camps in BC. Ontop of your standard Network Admin stuff. Creating passwords, accounts, router configs, help desk, etc.

I've also been doing the tourist thing in Victoria as well! Melissa came and visited!! :D We went to the Butchard Gardens (a.k.a The But Gardens! lol) It was SOOOOOOO beautiful! All pretty flowers! too bad I was elergic to it all! lol... My nose took weeks to recover! Then we saw an IMAX flick on some air force thing. I wanted to see some NAVY BOATS!!! But there wasn't a show like that. I pouted for a bit, but it was really cool. We also went to the Royal BC Musium. It sucked. lol. Let's see...where else did we go... OH YEAH!! We did a tour of the Parlement buildings! We saw where some crazy Irish lady came and just started talking away! It was wierd.

The pictures are of me and my sweetie in the but gardens, Melissa in the inner harber, me infont of the Empress Hotel. And there's this crazy duck!! He sits in font of the Queen Victoria Statue and waits for a unsuspecting tourist, when I took a picture, it just CAME and charged at me!! I didn't know where to run away or just kick it! It was NUTS!!! OMG!!!

So today we had a final ceremony with the cadets. I was given the "Cadet Good Service Medal" YAY ME!! Basicly it's a medal just conferming that you have no life. lol. At the end of the week, I pack my bags and head up island to sunny comox! Where the sea guls crap even more then usual and it rains only 3 times a week! Yay me! lol. The good thing is that I get free room and food! There I take over the base IT section there and run the navy camp there. Should be interesting. I'll be the bastard Network Admin from hell!!! HAAA HA HAHAHAHAHA!!! <--- crazy evil laugh! I have to pack this week. *pout* I hate packing...

Well, last week of work, the end of one thing and onto the next. At least the hang over will stop. Now it's onto something new and exciting. I'm heading to bed all! I didn't get a nap today so I'm kinda cranky You guys can still reach me at my e-mail address. Let me know when the camping weekends are going to happen, I can book days off then.

Take care all! If you want more pictures let me know!



Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Cell phone ringers...

Hey guy's check these out.... this comedian makes up his own ringers, impersonating famous people. He does so many voices, and does them almost exact.

Here is also a clip of some of his stand up.... really good impersonations...

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Heavenly Nights Party is a go.... Thursday night!!!

Hey all,

Geri just phoned me and said that she just isn't going to answer her phone tomorrow night and as a result, the party will not be cancelled at short notice. YES!!!!

So she is going to be here to set up at 6pm and we will start at 6:30.
CAN YOU PLEASE BE HERE BY 6PM as well..... It is important that we start on time.

Most people will be showing up shortly after 5.

I will pick up some buns and sandwich meat.... and Lindsay will be coming over a bit early, so her and I can handle that.... Sammi- can you bring your peperoni/cheese platter , Ariel- can you bring chocolates again.... just some different types that we can mix in a big bowl? I will see if Mandy can bring a veggie platter.... And any guy's that are coming can bring chips and dip or salsa. It will work out really well again if we can do it this way and then there will be a variety of munchies.

I also need a final count on who is coming.... so far I have Sammi, Mandy, Lindsay, Ariel, Monica, Cory, Dave, Bryce, and maybe Chris/Danielle, Shelley/Cam, Joanne

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Congrats to Keira and Matt!!

Angelina is now here!! they had her early sat. morning.... 8 pounds...

can't wait to see her!!! check out the pics on their blog... link is on the side of our blog.

Wendsday night....

Lindsay is back!!! she was thinking that she could see everyone on Wends night at our house. so come on over, we will either be here or at the guy's.

Sea Food Night!!!! FRIDAY

Reminding people that we are doing seafood night on Friday... you can come over anytime in the afternoon, we will probably head to the super store about4:00 -4:30 to get the crabs and Lobster.

I need to collect $ from those people who are coming...I am thinking $8 each to pitch in for the prawns and scallops ect. and then everyone buy's there own crab or lobster . I will probably go shopping for the prawns ect on thursday or Fri morning. I need to know how many people are coming for sure... so even if I have talked to you and you expressed interest... can you please confirm with an email or phone me.

So far coming: Dave, Sammi, Bryce, Me, Isaac, Ariel?,Lindsay....

If you can't get the money to me by thursday, let me know if you are coming and I will get it from you on Friday..

Another thing... We may be having it at Sammi's house, because she has cover for rain and lots of room. I will post it on the blog by Friday morning where we will be.

Please bring any nut or crab crackers you may have for breaking the shells.

My new Halloween Costume

You likey?

Thursday, April 27, 2006


Hey stoker, we should do somthing Sat night then....

Seafood night....: Is everyine still able to make it if we change it to Friday afternoon/dinner instead of Sat?? DAVID THE CRAB KILLER... appairently can't change his other prior engagement with his 'hot' sister on Sat.... Well let me know ASAP. - Ariel was planning on taking sat off... and I would think that Melissa has to work friday...if so... till what time Mel? And would it work for you to show up after work if we wait for you and we'll go get you some CRABS earlier>> or what ever you are wanting.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Stoker's comming back for the weekend!

Hey guys!

Well the boss in victoria is sending me for a army expo on sunday where I get to sit behind a booth, look pretty and answer questions about DND computers.

So I'll be in Kelowna friday night and Melissa and I were going to play golf saturday at hillview in Vernon. Who's interested? I'll be in Kelowna till monday and I go back to Victoria on the tuesday.



Sunday, April 23, 2006

Sea Food Night!!!! & Sex Party!!!!!

K guy's, first of all, Lindsay is back on May 10th!!!!!

Next, few of us have been craving and waiting until the weather is nice so that we can plan a seafood bbq. MMMMMmmmm!!!!!! I was thinking that we could combine this with a welcome back party for Lindsay on Sat. May 13th. We would have people over in the afternoon and then start cooking prob around 5pm. The idea was to get everyone to pitch in $5-8 ahead of time and a couple of us could go pick up some prawns, scallops and what ever else...mushrooms and we could make up some seafood shishcabobs. Then when everyone gets here, we could all go over to the superstore and pick up a crab($5ea) & Lobster($8ea) or either or... each then come back and throw them into a big pot.... Don't worry ladies, Dave has volunteered to be the wicked, wicked crab killer!! It will be an awesome feast.... we will cook everything outside on the BBQ... we have a burner for a pot... and hopefully the weather is awesome so that we can eat the messy seafood out at the picnic tables....

So bring some games, some drinks, your camera's and also any nut crackers or crab crackers if you have them (for cracking open the shells).

Can't wait!!! Let us know if you can come though, so that we know how many people are coming.

May 18th as you may know is Bryce's and My 6 year anniversary and because Lindsay is also back and we have been waiting for her return to do another party, we were thinking that on May 18th (thurs) we could do another Sex party with Heavenly Nights. I have to phone Geri and confirm that she has the night free... but I will let you know. Everyone is invited and we would probably do something like we did before, where everyone brings a snack/appie for dinner. Yes, I will be sure to invite Mandy for entertainment again!!! :)

Wednesday, April 19, 2006


That is so much fun! Gobbles is a good name for it... I have to say I was highly entertained for about 5 minutes with that thing lol... so CUTE! Great addition!


Love the new pet, it's adorable. Great idea Bryce.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

New Pet

We have adopted a new fish. You can see him floating on the right side of your screen if you have Flash installed. I named him gobbles because that is about all he does.

Tap on the glass and feed him a little....

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Happy Easter!!


Thank you to everyone for dinner and great company last night! A huge thanks to Ang and Bryce for hosting. It was great fun! (and entertaining games, even the crazy wookies)

I really hope that everyone has a fantastic Easter weekend!

Friday, April 14, 2006

Happy Hop Hop!!!

posting this now in case I don't get a chance to over the weekend.... hope you all have a wonderfull Easter weekend and stay safe.... not that there are any serial killer 'Wabbits' running around or anything but... just the same :)

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Smooth Sailing

Well kids,

I'm about to head off into the wild blue sea and start my Navy Job in Victoria. I just wanted to say good-bye and I'll miss you guys LOTS!!! Like TONS even! I'll still be by checking on the blog and I'll post some of my (miss)adventures in Victoria. Beating up a mime, racing submarines along the harbour, etc, etc. You guys can still e-mail me with my gmail account as well.

That's all from me. Take care all and I'll see you all soon.


Friday, March 31, 2006

7pm tonight... Ice Age

Don't worry people. Stoker is on Crack!!! The movie is showing in Vernon tonight at 7pm..... we may be doing something for dinner prior too... so call us at grand central station(my house) if you are interested in coming.... prob do dinner at 5:30-6pm

oh no!

Well I just checked the movie listings in Vernon and Ice Age isn't even playing!!!!!

Now what? Anyone want to see something else?

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Okay, here's the plan ladies and gents...

Okay, this is what I've been trying to figure out all week.

I have no idea what the times for the movies are, and my Sweetie's off of work at 9:30pm. (For thouse of you who are playing the home game, my sweetie's Melissa! lamo!) So the late show she might not be able to make it to and then she'd be waiting around for me till midnight. So this is what I figured.

I'll be in Vernon around 3pmish. I have to go Visit Dave and see if my shiny, new laptop is there yet. Then I was thinking about hanging around either Ang/Bryce's place or the guys place. Whom ever lets me in the door. lol.. Then see the movie around 7pmish. After that, Melissa would be free and we can continue the fun or just part ways till I get back.

That's what Stoker thinks the plan should be anyways...

ps. I just found the font color button. Cool eh?!


Tuesday, March 28, 2006

I'm in for Friday night at the movies

I really want to see Ice Age - Meltdown; I loved the first Ice Age. I work until 2:00 pm, but I could get ask to stay longer. I am also giving blood, after work, for the Canadian Blood Services at Trinity Church on Alexis Park Dr (if anyone else would like to donate the give of life). Ang and I were talking about walking to Trinity for our daily exercise. It usually takes one hour to give blood. There is a lot of wait at different stations. For the blood to come out of my arm...not even 5 mins. Then I get cookies and juice!
If anyone wants to join Ang and I, the more the merrier. Ang isn't sure if she wants to give blood. Just thinking...I use to panic when I had to have any type of needle near me.

Chat with everyone later,

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Friday night...March.30... ICE AGE 2

Holy crap, I might as well become a freakin event planner... does no one else write on here anymore???

Okay... Stokers very last chance to see anyone before he leaves is Friday night, and it is also when we are all going to see ICE AGE 2...!!!!!!!! Yes!!!!

What time Stokie Man????

Hope to see you all there to say good bye to our very own semen...I mean seAman for 3 months.

Also... don't know if anyone noticed but when we changed the look of the blog, we lost all the links down the side... I have replaced some of them again. We also have a new one there for our wedding... not much on it yet, but all of the wedding party will eventually be on there as they are notified and then the planning will take off.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Change is Good Donkey

Just remember... "Change is good, Donkey" :)

Friday, March 24, 2006


Wow! you better make it up to us... I even got off work early for you!!!
hmmmm.....okay... do you want to make it an afternoon /evening thing tommorow then??? Melissa has to leave early tomorrow right?

hmmm....well, lets do the same thing but tomorrow then... but come over in the noon if you can.

Bryce and I almost went and planned something else with our parents sast night, but one wasn't available... few!

slight change in plans...


Sorry guys, I forgot I had a family thing arranged for friday night. :( Sorry! Can we posone it till saturday? For sure! Invite Joel's sisters! The more the marrier! Melissa has cranium if we need a copy. plus I have SCRABBLE! lamo! just kidding! no scrabble. stoker no spell so good. That sounds great though! I can't wait! Today I have to go glasses/laptop shopping. and then tonight it's the family going away party. It's the only night they are all home at once to toss me a bash! It's not as good as yours though ang. but hey! :D So yeah, sorry if the ball got rolling already, but I'll make it up to ya.




ANG!!!! CALL MEE!!!!

slight change in plans...


Sorry guys, I forgot I had a family thing arranged for friday night. :( Sorry! Can we posone it till saturday? For sure! Invite Joel's sisters! The more the marrier! Melissa has cranium if we need a copy. plus I have SCRABBLE! lamo! just kidding! no scrabble. stoker no spell so good. That sounds great though! I can't wait! Today I have to go glasses/laptop shopping. and then tonight it's the family going away party. It's the only night they are all home at once to toss me a bash! It's not as good as yours though ang. but hey! :D So yeah, sorry if the ball got rolling already, but I'll make it up to ya.




ANG!!!! CALL MEE!!!!

What are we doing people??

Hey guy's, whats up?? I am off at 5pm now...home at 5:30. So come over any time after that. Bring games and BYOB... incase we decide to play games...

I guess I willl pick up some buns and some sandwich meat... can someone else grab some sandwich meat too?? And sammi I would imagine will bring her cheese pepperoni platter.... then what ever other people want to bring.

Dave/Isaac, have you heard from shelley or leah??? If not, maybe try phoning them again.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006


Sounds good Stoker... Are we playing games or playing games and going out, or what do you figure? I think it would be cool to play Cranium or some other games, and then maybe go to the pub 'after' some crawl....or something. Mind of we invite Joels sisters? they have been wanting to get together with all of us again, especially if we decide to do games.

I am home at 6:30pm Friday night. Do you guy's want to do a snacks/potluck dinner?? Cheese, meat, buns, veggies..chips,salsa... What we did for Cory and Monicas shower turned out really well...

Party time!!!!

Hi guys!

Yeah, we should so do a party at the hang out place! (IF that's okay with you Ang!) on say friday night? I managed to sneek saturday off! So maybe then! Let me know!



Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Back in Vernon

I am back in Vernon, and I have my year full of other people's weddings, my trips, and other people's babies. I felt I needed to clarify ownership of each item. I will fill everyone in when I have more time.

- Sammi

Hello from afar

Hey Everyone,

Don't know the last time I've posted here.... although I have been checking it from time to time. Congrats Stoker on your new job... sucks for Melissa I know. :(
Been having a great time here in OZ. Have had my fair share of experiences while I've been here. Most have been really great and some I'd rather not repeat (like picking pears in an Orchard). Staying in the camp for the orchard (about 50-60 people) was cool but the actual work was hard and sooooo boring. Got a surf board now but have only been surfing a few times and I still suck! The beaches here are amazing no matter where you go, and living out of a Van for weeks on end is great (provided you get a shower every few days). The cities and towns aren't that unlike Canada but having the ocean so close all the time and the climate is almost like another world at times... the animals are really different too.

Glad to here the weather is starting to warm up there in Canada. Glad to hear you're going home for the summer Lindsay... sorry I won't be there to see you. :(

Anyway I hope you are all well.


Yep... he's goin' again....

Well... my sweetie is off again... that's the Navy for ya.. trying to rule the IT world again! mwuahaha.. ahem...

So I'll have absoultely nothing to do while Shaun's away besides working... if I get any hours that is... So I'll need a pick-me-up sometimes becuase I am going to miss him like crazy, so give me a shout!

Anyhow... a party would be great fun... I would have to go home early Saturday as I work Sunday morning, but we'll see how it goes...!... don't worry Isaac, we won't put up a tent in your house hahaha.. or leave socks behind! ;)

Thanks Lindsay! We'll definitely do a ladies night! *wink wink* And yay for sex stores!


Hey Stoker congrats on the job. It sucks that you are leaving us, but we will still get a chance to hang out this summer in July and Aug. I will be back in Vernon sometime in May for the whole summer, haven't yet figured everything out though. But yeahhhhhh! we can all go camping whoa!!!!!! Sweet. Well Melissa, that really sucks for you, but you now have more time to hang out with us girls, and party hard hahaha. Sex store anyone????? we definately have to do that again, among other things. Right girls. Well take care everyone, have a great weekend and talk to u all soon.


Monday, March 20, 2006

Stoker you SUCK!!!

Just kidding! but no, ya you suck!!!!! well I guess we'll have to go camping when you get least you hopefully aren't gone all summer.

I am so happy that I have Friday night, Sat, sat night off so that I can see you before you leave.

What do you want to do?? feel like drinking and having games night? or hmmm..? any ideas? I am up for planning something, just let us know when and what you'd like to do.

Sammi...... where are u??? phone me when you get back k.

Stoker's going to play Navy!

Hi guys!

Well as luck would have it, I was offered a job as a network admin for the DND in Victoria. It's a three month contract willing from April 4th/5th till the end of June. What really sucks is the lack of prep time to go. This means that THIS WEEKEND is my last weekend in the Okanagan, then I'd be a ocean pirate! RRRRRRRR... (<-- Best pirate "R") lamo!

It's a pretty cool gig. I get paid a crap load of cash (so I can pay for school) and I get to live on base! YAY ocean front proporty. So moving day for me would be about the 3rd of April. I'm going to miss you guys! *pout* * sob* *cry*

I wanted to see if you guys would be interested in doing something this weekend? Say saturday night maybe.

Let me know!



Tuesday, March 14, 2006

POKER?, Skating?, Tubetown???- FRIDAY NIGHT

Doesn't anyone blog anymore??

Anyways, thinking of either skating or poker for Friday night... let me know what you want to do... we have a couple new people for poker (Monica's brother, and Rama that is in Bryces class). Could play for $5.

Skating is like $3-3.50 up at Silver star on the pond...very cool up there!!
OR we could do Tube town again!!!! That would rock!!! What do you guy's want to do???

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Skating Tomorrow Night

Hey guy's just wanted to let you know that there are some of us going up to SilverStar tomorrow night to go skating. I am not off work until 6pm in Enderby so I should be home for 6:30 unless I can get off early.

So if people want to meet at our house at 6-6:30 then we can leave as soon as I get home. There are rental skates up there if you don't have any...I think they are only like$3

Hope to see you tomorrow......oh, and Stoker is planning on coming too!!

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Cory and Monica's Baby Shower

MARCH 4, 2006 @ 1pm

I would like to invite you all to join us that saturday afternoon, at our house, to get together and celebrate the birth of Xavier. We will be playing some games and just hanging out enjoying the baby and visiting with Cory and Monica. Please note that we would like 'everyone' to come, not just the girls.

It will be a potluck lunch/ snacks. We will open gifts after lunch.

If anyone is stuck on a gift, here are some things that they still need:
-mirror for the car (back window, so they can see the babies face).
-nursing pillow
-toy box
- no newborn clothes as he is already too big.... they requested 3 months or larger.
- babies always like toys
- They are trying to stay away from Walt Disney items.

I may add more once I talk to her again....

Hope to see you all there...

Monday, February 13, 2006

Wow...Isaac's old

Click here to see the pictures that I took. I kinda did the opposite of Sammi, I forgot to take my camera to dinner but I got pictures at the house.... oh well....

Isaac's 25th birthday

Here are some pictures from Isaac birthday on Saturday, Feb 11th. I only took pictures at the dinner and forgot all about my camera at the house (where some funnier things happened). Dave or Shelley should post some pictures taken at the house.

Cameron and Shelley

Cam being Cam

look a little closer at the end of the table...

Good Times, Good Times...

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

CONGRATS Cory and Monica!!!!

Yes, the little bundle of hair, I mean joy, has arrived!!! :) Xavier ( I think that's how you spell his name..) he was named after his great grandfather... He is so cute!! Monica was enduced and ended up having a c-section on the 27th. The baby was 8 pounds 6 ounces, healthy and yes, has lots and lots of hair!!! oh, and very long...he is almost pretty much 2 ft long when he stretches out... Holy Crap!!! no wonder she was getting kicked here there and everywhere. He has very long fingers and big feet.... He sure is cute!

I am going to be planning a coed baby shower for them when I get back from Mexico .... It will probably be the first weekend in March and will be just for us friends and maybe a couple people she wants to invite... she has already had a shower with her family. I will keep everyone posted with the date.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

YES!!! Silver Star this Friday!! can't wait!!!!

Anyone wanting to go up the hill tomorow, please let us know....
I will be home all day, going to the gym for a couple hours at 1pm but otherwise, give me a call.

We may be going up fo 3:30 when it starts, or hopefully Bryce is coming and we will go up when he gets home at 4:30. If you want to just meet us there later, that would work too.

Well see you tomorrow. So far we have Me, Sammi, prob... Cam, Prob... Bryce, brother, and possibly his girlfriend who is a snowboarding instructor up at the hill.!!!!

Oh ya....Dave, are you coming???? AND ISAAC, YOU BETTER NOT DITCH US THIS TIME!!!!

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Silver Star this Friday again?

I'm up for Silver Star this Friday again if anyone is up for it. I had a blast on Friday! Get back to me or the blog if you're interested.

- Sammi

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Silver Star is HAPPENIN!!!!

Sammy, Bryce and I are heading up at 5:15-5:30 (Can't leave any later than 5:30). We will be at our house if anyone wants to meet and go up with us. I believe the $5 thing starts at 3:30 though so if people want to go up earlier, then we will be at the rental shop at about 6:00 and you can meet us there.

Can't Wait!!!! There is going to be soooo much POWDER!!!!

K well see you soon, sorry I didn't blog this any sooner... have been out pickin up lovely psych. patients.

martini glasses and a backdrop...

I think you should have a whole bunch of martini glasses covering the backdrop of the blog. I can't wait until Friday night, and I'm on the mountain snowboarding.

- Sammi

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Just trying some new looks for the blog....

Bryce and I want to do some cool stuff with it when we find a cool look that will work....

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

I bought snowpants!!!

I am ready for the mountain. The only thing to stop me is working on a Friday like I do this Friday (20th) until 5:00 pm. If Ang can't get off work at 4:00-4:30 pm, OC is having a pub night at Monita's. Monita's is where Fitness West use to be near the bar on 29th street. I want to go play in the snow, but we have a second choice if things don't work out.

- Sammi

Sunday, January 15, 2006


Hey all, Check this out!!! : $5 Fridays have Returned to Silver Star! Break open your piggy banks - $5 for night skiing from now until late March! Hours of operation are from 3:30 pm - 9:00 pm; open lifts include the Summit, Silver Queen and the Magic Carpet. Regular ski and snowboard rentals are $10 and fill your belly with great food specials at the Town Hall for only $5 as well!

I am hoping to get a bunch of people together for Next Friday night (Jan.20)... I am waiting to here from work though...(I should know tomorrow) if I can get early coverage or not... I am not off until 6pm in Enderby which means I wouldn't be able to make it, but I might be able to get off at 4-4:30!!!

I will be Boarding BABY!!!! OH, and I will talk to my brother's girlfriend because she is one of silverstar's board instructors and said she would love to go up with us sometime. If she is not available this Friday, I will ask her about next friday.. Let me know who else is interested... See you on the slopes (hopefully) Stoker Bunny!!!!

Friday, January 13, 2006

$5 days at Silver Star!!

Hey all!

Shaun (aka Stoker) and I are so in for some skiing at Silver Star Friday nights! I think Ang is typing up the details and we are so in! Well I'm volunteering Shaun! ;)

I'm so excited to try my downhill ski legs... man that cross-country is so much work, and after doing it for 20 years, I'm ready to try and let the chair-lift do the work!

I'm also interested in having some sort of lesson, so if anybody knows how you get one, let me know!

Monday, January 09, 2006

Hey Everyone!

Hope all your Christmases and New Years went well. I missed you all, yet enjoyed meeting new family members and experiencing new traditions. It has been snowing a lot here since I've been back and the canal opened on Sat for skating, so I will be learning to skate at the ice house on campus before heading out to the canal. Thanks Ang for the post on the blog and the e-card. It was really sweet of u. Well I guess thats about it, I am trying to get back in studying mode and I just seem to procrastinate, I have a meeting tonight then try to get some homework done, take care everyone, miss u all and talk to u later, xoxoxox Lindsay

Saturday, January 07, 2006


HAPPY BIRTHDAY LINDSAY!!!!! We miss you!!!!

Hope you have an awesome day and the holidays went well for you....
Celebrate lots and know that we will for sure make up for it when you get your butt back here.

PS. I do still have something for you.. but unfortunately time has not been kind to us lately and I still have some work to do before I can send it to you. Don't worry though, sooon.... you won't be having Christmas in July when you get back here. :)


Hey all,

Hope you can come... we need to start playing at noon so if you are in, try and be at our house by 11:30. We may be playing for $5 but a couple people would also like to play for nothing so... we will decide then. I will try and phone some or all of you from work tonight.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Stoker all better now

Hey guys,

sounds like sammie had a good time at the party lol...

Melissa and I are sorry we didn't make it, I was SO SICK!! OMG, I felt like I Was going to die! But fear not everyone, stoker's still here for many years of stokerness to come! lol...

I still have my cell with me, if you guys are planning something on the weekend(s) let us know. I'm off sun/mon so we can be there saturday night maybe...

Well, I'm off. Take care all and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

Monday, January 02, 2006

Ang be gentle with the pics

Hey Ang,

I forgot to ask you to be choosy with the pictures you plan to put on the blog. Mel had some good ones of me at the beginning of the night.


Wishing Everyone a Happy New Year without the kisses

Hello Everyone,
How was everyone feeling yesterday?
I got up early and then went back to bed around noon. I slept until 8:00 pm because I didn't really sleep the night before. I kept waking up every half hour; I was worried I was keeping the guys up with my drunk snoring.
It was so beautiful in the morning with the sun out and the crisp air that I decided to get up and leave at 9:30 am. I was feeling great, so I got a starbucks coffee, went home ate and starting watching a movie. THEN...I started to get clammy, pasty, and not feeling well at all. The best way to get over this feeling is to sleep it off. I slept the feeling off for 8 hours.
I feel much better physically today, but I am having flashbacks of all the stupid things I did.
My New Year's resolution is to not get stupid drunk anymore.

I would like to apologize for any annoying, loud, rude, disrespectful, stupid things I may have done during the New Year's Eve party. I hope I haven't changed anyone's opinion of me (from respectful to disrespectful). If I have done something to piss off anyone, please tell me what I did. I would like the chance to apologize in person and make it up to anyone.

I remember most of the evening, but I do have some empty spots. What I remember...I had a blast! Dave, I had fun hanging out with Mel and Shannon. I found out the park behind Ang and Bryce's place has a playground set with swings (with large puddles of dirty water under them), also it's a long walk from Ang and Bryce's place to the Petro-Can with the 7-11 (wear comfortable shoes and be willing to pee in the bushes Mel), and finally 'Happy New Years!', with kisses and hugs of course, can defuse any conflict - including a group of people that believe Ike kicked in a guy's truck. Warning them to watch out for the cops a block away helped as well.

Finally...Damn you Shawn and Bryce for taking advantage of poor drunk me at the poker game (oh and everyone else at the poker game too). Congrats on a game well done. Bryce you had me with the third place prize of zero. For a second, I really thought I had won something.

I should stop typing and go out in the afternoon air. Thanks to Ang and Bryce, and Dave, Ike, and Cam for letting everyone invade their homes. It was a New Year's Eve to remember!

- Sammi

P.S: Cam, I am really sorry about coming into your room while you were in bed reading 'the book'. Thanks for tolerating me.